Studies and materials on cultural heritage of Toruń and the region. Volume 1
Table of Contents
- Introduction – p. 9
- Kazimierz Pospieszny p. 13
The castle church in Toruń – an attempted reconstruction of its architectural form and iconographic program - Anna Błażejewska p. 27
St James’ church in Toruń in the context of discussion on the significance of Teutonic patronage for its building process and architectural form - Liliana Krantz-Domasłowska p. 41
St James’ church in Toruń – what’s new? - Krystyna Sulkowska-Tuszyńska p. 58
Primum non nocere! On archaeological survey around St James’ church in Toruń - Anna Cicha p. 74
Convent houses are closed, they have a strict monastic enclosure (...) for the sisters to (...) observe monastic decency in an exemplary manner – the so called modern junction between the convent and the St James’ church in Toruń in the light of archaeological and architectural survey - Izabella Brzostowska p. 87
A contribution to the history of building process and painted decoration of the church of St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist in Toruń - Katarzyna Daniel p. 99
The 15th-century trade and artistic workshop of the builders of St Johns’ church in Toruń - Juliusz Raczkowski, Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska p.108
Gothic sculptures from the church in Świerczynki. A contribution to the studies on Toruń’s Mediaeval heritage - Jan Tajchman p. 126
Toruń house front elevations in the so called Copernicus House type - Ewelina Nawrocka p. 143
Burghers’ house at No. 20 Old town Market Square. Heritage analysis of the building - Anna Bystroń-Kwiatkowska p. 160
Painted decoration of the interiors of burghers’ house at at No. 20 Old town Market Square in Toruń - Zbigniew Nawrocki p. 168
Some not easily recognised elements of furnishing in Toruń burghers’ houses - Joanna Kucharzewska p. 176
The Fenger Palace at Mostowa Street in Toruń in the light of recent heritage and conservation survey - Małgorzata Wawrzak p. 191
Political matters comprised in decorations founded by Mayor Heinrich Stroband. A contribution to Toruń’s iconosphere. - Franciszek Skibiński p. 206
Stone sculpture in Toruń c. 1580-1650. Between local production and imports from leading sculpture centres of the Republic - Anna Mosingiewicz p. 225
Monuments of the Bąkowski family in the church of St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist in Toruń – the history and foundation - Bartłomiej Łyczak p. 236
The functioning of guild painting workshops in Toruń in 18th on the example of Daniel Otmann’s atelier - Katarzyna Krupska p. 253
The silver gate from the church of St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist in Toruń in Early Modern period - Małgorzata Grupa p. 272
The clothing of burghers and nobles from the church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – a testimony to contact between the East and the West - Collection of coloured photographs p. 281