"Nobility with no boundaries?", March 4th 2021
"Nobility with no boundaries?", March 4th 2021
On March 4th 2021 an international online conference took place, organised by the German Historic Institute in Warsaw, where the results of the project’s research were presented by Franciszek Skibiński PhD (The nobles’ foundations in churches of Toruń and other Prussian towns in 17th and 18th cent. in religious, social and political aspects. An outline of issues / Adelige Stiftungen des 17. und 18. Jh. in Kirchen Thorns und anderen preußischen Städten im Kontext von Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik. Ein Problemaufriss) and by Prof. Michał Woźniak (The foundations by Catholic clergy in Royal Prussia with regard to liturgical vessels / Stiftungen der katholischen Geistlichkeit im Königlichen Preußen im Bereich der liturgischen Ausstattung).
Report on the conference on the DHI website >>
Program >>
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