A national conference “THE LEGACY OF ARTS AND CRAFTS – TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES AND MODERN RESTORATION”, organized by the Chair of Conservation-Restoration of Architectural Elements and Details NCU, was held on November 29th 2019. This scientific gathering had been devoted to the issues of connservation0restoration, history and technologies of historic artefacts of arts and crafts. The conference brought together a large number of specialists – representatives of academic centres, museum institutions, conservation services and others.
At the conference a lecture on The Mediaeval Metal Castings in St Johns’ Church in Toruń in the Light of Recent Research and Material Examinations was given by M. Jakubek-Raczkowska PhD(qual.), NCU Professor and Juliusz Raczkowski PhD(qual.), NCU Professor. The lecture discussed mainly the results of recent research carried out over the last year within the framework of “The Inventory of Toruń Art….” project.
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