On October 23rd–25th 2019 took place the first project’s conference entitled “Inventorying historic monuments in Poland - the history, the methods, the achievements”. The conference was devoted to the history and previous outcomes of inventory, documentation works carried out in Polish territories, from mid 19th century to this day. The panel gave opportunity to summaries, discussions on previous activities and their evaluation and primarily to reflection on methodology and discussion on the potential, aims and perspectives of modern inventorying.
The meeting was held in the conference hall of the University Hotel, Szosa Chełmińska 83a. in Toruń.
Scientific committee of the conference:
- Michał F. Woźniak PhD(qual.), professor of the NCU (mwozniak@umk.pl)
- Juliusz Raczkowski PhD(qual.), professor of the NCU (jracz@umk.pl)
- Jacek Tylicki PhD(qual.), professor of the NCU
- Franciszek Skibiński PhD
Scientific secretaries:
- Izabella Brzostowska (brzostowska@wp.pl)
- Tomasz Kowalski (tomasz3kowalski@gmail.com)
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