The I. stage of non-invasive IR-examination competed
The I. stage of non-invasive IR-examination competed
Zobacz także:
The first stage of ground-penetration radar examination and imaging of underground structures completed
Within the framework of task No. 4 the first stage of radar examination and imaging of underground structures...
"Nobility with no boundaries?", March 4th 2021
On March 4th 2021 an international online conference took place, organised by the German Historic Institute in Warsaw,...
VI. Congress of Polish Medievalists
Within the project Juliusz Raczkowski PhD (Qual.) participated in a national scientific symposium – the VI. Congress of...
W dniach 23–25 października 2019 odbyła się pierwsza konferencja projektowa pt. „Inwentaryzacja zabytków w Polsce – dzieje, metody,...
XLI Alicja Karłowska-Kamzowa Mediaevalists’ Seminar, December 9th–12th 2020
At the international online Mediaevalists’ Seminar entitled: The convent and the collegiate church in Mediaeval Europe, co-organised by the...
Piszą o nas!
Dział Promocji UMK przygotował informacje o naszym projekcie, o którym mówili prof. Michał Woźniak i prof. Juliusz Raczkowski....