TEXTUS ET PICTURA, 12-13 Dec. 2019
TEXTUS ET PICTURA, 12-13 Dec. 2019
On December 12th and 13th 2019 in the University Library in Toruń a national conference “TEXTUS ET PICTURA III. The Mediaeval Codex as a Subject of Interdisciplinary Studies “ was held.
Third in a row, the conference “Textus et pictura” aimed to continue an interdisciplinary research panel devoted to the handwritten legacy from the early 14th century onwards, that would put together the results of studies carried out by historians, philologists, bibliologists, codicologists, palaeographers, art historians, etc. An axis of the debates was the codex, regarded as a significant part of cultural heritage and analysed in terms of its contents, palaeography, material structure, decoration, binding. An important aspect of this year debate was not only presentation of the outcomes of examination of particular volumes, but also a discussion on methodological, interdisciplinary determinants of cataloguing, describing and interpreting them as well as on the issues related to digitalisation of handwritten legacy alongside with presentation of reports on the ongoing research and development project.
M. Jakubek-Raczkowska PhD (qual.), NCU Professor together with Juliusz Raczkowski PhD (qual.), NCU Professor presented a paper entitled “The 15th-century Gradual from the collection of Diocesan Museum in Toruń – preliminary recognition”. The paper concerned the first inventory and research works on a priceless, so far unrecognised liturgical manuscript. The studies were carried out within the framework of “The Inventory of Toruń Art….” project
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