The first stage of ground-penetration radar examination and imaging of underground structures completed
The first stage of ground-penetration radar examination and imaging of underground structures completed
Within the framework of task No. 4 the first stage of radar examination and imaging of underground structures of the main body of the church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary in Toruń was been completed. The GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) method was employed for sounding retrospection of underground structures present within the boundaries of the main body of the church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary’s. The aim of radar examination was to identify and localise underground structures appearing beneath the paving. Documentation presents the results of GPR examination executed with the use of RIS IDS system fitted with a 900 MHz aerial. Radar profiles have been processed, which involved non-linear amplification of signal, filtering, background removal, migration. The last stage – the integration of profile grids – gives the final result in form of a spatial distribution of anomalies, out of which one can obtain profile images (so called time sections, tomograms) of any depth. The examination allowed to localise crypts, grave chambers, fragments of foundations and elements of previous built structures as well as anomalies that can not be unequivocally interpreted. Presently, the work on detailed processing and interpretation of GPR sections, profiles and tomograms continues.
The photographs present the church footprint with marked images of GPR scanning and examples of GPR sections, profiles and tomograms.
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