XLI Alicja Karłowska-Kamzowa Mediaevalists’ Seminar, December 9th–12th 2020
XLI Alicja Karłowska-Kamzowa Mediaevalists’ Seminar, December 9th–12th 2020
At the international online Mediaevalists’ Seminar entitled: The convent and the collegiate church in Mediaeval Europe, co-organised by the Poznań Society of the Friends of Sciences, the Raczyński Library, the Arch-Diocesan Museum in Poznań, the Institute of the History of Art AMU and the Institute of Polish Philology AMU on December 9th–12th 2020, Prof. Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska and Prof. Juliusz Raczkowski presented the research on the architecture of the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in their paper entitled: The former Grey Friar’s church in Toruń. Between the rule of the order and the local tradition/Ancienne église des Cordelièeres de Toruń d’aprés des recherches récentep. Entre la régle et les besoins du lieu.
Link to the paper >>
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