
"Nobility with no boundaries?", March 4th 2021

On March 4th 2021 an international online conference took place, organised by the German Historic Institute in Warsaw, where the results of the project’s research were presented by Franciszek Skibiński PhD (The nobles’ foundations in churches of Toruń and other Prussian towns in 17th and 18th cent. in religious, social and political aspects. An outline...
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XLI Alicja Karłowska-Kamzowa Mediaevalists’ Seminar, December 9th–12th 2020

At the international online Mediaevalists’ Seminar entitled: The convent and the collegiate church in Mediaeval Europe, co-organised by the Poznań Society of the Friends of Sciences, the Raczyński Library, the Arch-Diocesan Museum in Poznań, the Institute of the History of Art AMU and the Institute of Polish Philology AMU on December 9th–12th 2020, Prof. Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska...
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CONFERENCE „INVENTORYING HISTORIC MONUMENTS IN POLAND …”On October 23rd–25th 2019 took place the first project’s conference entitled “Inventorying historic monuments in Poland - the history, the methods, the achievements”. The conference was devoted to the history and previous outcomes of inventory, documentation works carried out in Polish territories, from mid 19th century to this day....
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TEXTUS ET PICTURA, 12-13 Dec. 2019

On December 12th and 13th 2019 in the University Library in Toruń a national conference “TEXTUS ET PICTURA III. The Mediaeval Codex as a Subject of Interdisciplinary Studies “ was held. Third in a row, the conference “Textus et pictura” aimed to continue an interdisciplinary research panel devoted to the handwritten legacy from the early...
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A national conference “THE LEGACY OF ARTS AND CRAFTS – TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES AND MODERN RESTORATION”, organized by the Chair of Conservation-Restoration of Architectural Elements and Details NCU, was held on November 29th 2019. This scientific gathering had been devoted to the issues of connservation0restoration, history and technologies of historic artefacts of arts and crafts. The...
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W dniach 23–25 października 2019 odbyła się pierwsza konferencja projektowa pt. „Inwentaryzacja zabytków w Polsce – dzieje, metody, osiągnięcia”. Konferencja poświęcona była historii oraz dotychczasowym rezultatom prac inwentaryzacyjnych, katalogowych, dokumentacyjnych, prowadzonych na ziemiach polskich od połowy XIX wieku do dnia dzisiejszego. Panel był okazją do podsumowań, rozważań nad działaniami podejmowanymi w przeszłości i do ich...
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Contact: heritage@umk.pl, jracz@umk.pl

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